Welcome to the imaginative world of Leon Römer! Leon is a dutch freelance illustrator. But he’s not just your run of the mill illustrator. He’s a veritable jack of all trades. He’s been published in numerous magazines and editorials and he writes and illustrates a series of children’s books about a...Več info
Welcome to the imaginative world of Leon Römer! Leon is a dutch freelance illustrator. But he’s not just your run of the mill illustrator. He’s a veri...Več info
Ta prozoren mehki ovitek je narejen iz fleksibilnega, šok-absorbirajočega TPU materiala in popolnoma obdaja vaš telefon za celovito zaščito. Zagotovil bo popolno zaščito vašega pametnega telefona pred vdrtinami, praskami, umazanijo in prahom. Vsi naši ovitki so narejeni po meri za vaš specifični model pametnega telefona. To pomeni, da boste še vedno lahko fotografirali brez potrebe po vsakokratnem odstranjevanju ovitka. Gumbi za glasnost in gumb za pripravljenost bodo ostali enako lahko dostopni kot prej. In zahvaljujoč čudovitemu dizajnu, bo vaš pametni telefon izgledal bolje kot kdajkoli prej!
Narejen iz fleksibilnega šok-absorbirajočega TPU. Popolnoma obdaja telefon za celovito zaščito.
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PreverjenoI love getting cases done by yourselves however with this one I would have liked to get some paws on it for my dogs, maybe you could have a bit more of a selection please, but this wouldn't stop me from ordering again
PreverjenoLa cover acquistata risponde alle aspettative, risulta stampata bene e copre abbastanza bene il telefono. Negli angoli presenta un rinforzo e una leggera sporgenza che permette di proteggere lo schermo quando si poggia il telefono al contrario (o in caso di cadute). Consigliata!
PreverjenoMy phone case was absolutely perfect love it, looks good too.
PreverjenoImate vprašanje? Na voljo sem od ponedeljka do sobote.
Spodaj pustite svoj e-poštni naslov in prejeli boste kodo za popust
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The delivery was fast and the case was really nice.