CaseCompany loves art, we feature up-and-coming artists on our smartphone cases all the time and we have several collections devoted to world-famous artists like our Ernst Haeckel smartphone cases and our collection highlights classic artworks like the Der Kuss phone case and the Mona Lisa. For this...Več info
CaseCompany loves art, we feature up-and-coming artists on our smartphone cases all the time and we have several collections devoted to world-famous a...Več info
Terrazzo Memphis
prozoren dizajn
Memphis Shapes Pink
prozoren dizajn
Memphis Shapes Blue
prozoren dizajn
prozoren dizajn
Memphis Shapes
Illustrative pop 3
Illustrative pop 2
Illustrative pop 1
Pop Art #5
Pop Art #3
Pop Art #2
Pop Art #1
Ta prozoren mehki ovitek je narejen iz fleksibilnega, šok-absorbirajočega TPU materiala in popolnoma obdaja vaš telefon za celovito zaščito. Zagotovil bo popolno zaščito vašega pametnega telefona pred vdrtinami, praskami, umazanijo in prahom. Vsi naši ovitki so narejeni po meri za vaš specifični model pametnega telefona. To pomeni, da boste še vedno lahko fotografirali brez potrebe po vsakokratnem odstranjevanju ovitka. Gumbi za glasnost in gumb za pripravljenost bodo ostali enako lahko dostopni kot prej. In zahvaljujoč čudovitemu dizajnu, bo vaš pametni telefon izgledal bolje kot kdajkoli prej!
Narejen iz fleksibilnega šok-absorbirajočega TPU. Popolnoma obdaja telefon za celovito zaščito.
Slišite od drugih
PreverjenoThe website was easy to navigate and the site displayed the product clearly. The order process was simple. The postage was swift. The product was bought as a gift for a dear friend of mine and she was delighted with it!!
PreverjenoLovely Case very pleased, quick delivery
PreverjenoImate vprašanje? Na voljo sem od ponedeljka do sobote.
Spodaj pustite svoj e-poštni naslov in prejeli boste kodo za popust
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Vaša koda:
Fast delivery, item is good quality, reasonably priced. Xmas present for my mum with her 3 pups on it so I know she'll love it I have my own personalized case from you with my 2 cats on it and I get stopped all the time by people and recommend your company to them